QES Archive Data Page

Welcome to Quasielastic Electron Nucleus Scattering Archive Data page.

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Data file structure

The data files consists of many lines, each with 8 (space delimited) columns as follows:

Z A E (GeV) Theta (degrees) energy loss (GeV) sigma (nb/sr/GeV) error (random) citation (Spires notation)

This structure allows one to keep all the data (even all nuclei and all energies and angles) in a single file and extract particular data files with fortan, C, or even a simple awk command in a terminal (see the Utilities section).

N.B. The E02-019 (Fomin:2010ei) data was originally provided to us in a nine-column format, with both statistical and systematic errors, and takes that format in the archive. The fifth column of any E02-019 (Fomin:2010ei) data is in x=Q^2/2mν instead of energy loss.